Category: Business, Leadership

Death by Meeting

A Leadership Fable... about Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business
Patrick Lencioni
Page Count
260 pages, Hardcover


Sarah Eskandarpour
Friday, July 27, 2018

I can summarize this in four words: STOP HAVING UNNECESSARY MEETINGS. I love this book because I thought it would be more of a ‘death by boring book’ situation but it was refreshing and funny! And, of course, valuable. This should be a required reading at PD, too.

Lannie Le
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

This thought-provoking book is well worth reading by anyone in business. It is entertaining and quite useful. The author employees fictional characters to get his point across. This book is based around a cure for the underestimated problem in modern business: bad meetings.

This is a great book for anyone who attends meetings. I would definitely reread it.