COVID-19 Statement

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Dear friends, families, and partners,

With the recent developments of Covid-19, and the impact it is currently having on people, communities, and countries around the world, we want to assure you that our team is committed to taking responsible and appropriate measures to minimize the effects of this global pandemic. Towards this end, as of Thursday, March 12th, all team members at Pixel Dreams will be working remotely. We anticipate that this will have no impact on our ability to serve and deliver quality service to our customers. It is at a time like this, when serving our communities’ best interest is top of mind. Be assured that our operations will not be interrupted and will continue as scheduled. We know that it is important that everyone must do their part in order to protect the most vulnerable members of our communities.

Please connect with a team member if you have any questions at all. We appreciate your support.


The Author

Pierre Monké
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