Kaizen / Ops 23Q1

Stand-up, Slack, and clear crisp coms.

Heads up! This article is served raw and unfiltered from our content kitchen. It may contain a dash of common typos, grammatical mishaps, and imaginative spellings. Let us know if you’re allergic. Otherwise, enjoy this limited edition dish until our editing team refines it with their discerning palette.

Attention all team members,

Below are important updates and expectations regarding our day-to-day operations, specifically pertaining to stand-ups, meetings, and our #ops channel in Slack. Our goals behind the following updates and procedures are to increase succinctness and effectiveness.

As we gather data and feedback, we will revisit and improve on our processes. Remember, no process or procedure is sacrosanct. Kaizen, kaizen, kaizen.



01. Morning Stand-ups

The following questions are to be answered by 8:50 am:

  1. What is your focus for today?
  2. How many hours of work do you have?
  3. Any bottlenecks? If yes, specify.
  4. Are you joining EOD stand-up?

On Fridays, question four will be replaced with:
Provide your office schedule for next week.



02. EOD Stand-ups

The following questions are to be answered before wrapping up your day:

  1. What did you accomplish today?
  2. What’s left undone? What’s your plan?
  3. What does the team need to know about the future? Any obstacles for tomorrow?
  4. Are you joining tomorrow’s morning stand-up?


Reply in-thread to the automated Slack bot.
Keep our ops channel clean and tidy. Refrain from adding new threads unless there are new topics.

With the above new protocols in place, daily stand-ups are now voluntary.
If you require clarity, schedule a meeting or call the person you need to speak to.



03. Wednesday Goals Check-ins

Wednesday Goals Meetings are now mandatory.
Why? Considering many of us work from home and intend to minimize stand-up meetings, it will be even more important to nurture our culture while providing accountability to each other on what matters. Wednesday’s Goals Meeting is 15 minutes, which offers valuable facetime with team members.



04. Clear & Crisp Coms

Please communicate with crystal-clear precision and eliminate fluff in your messages in the #Ops channel. Standardization is key to streamlining our operations and avoiding unnecessary clutter and waste.


Pro Tip
Less words + less fluff = clearer faster comprehension + easier searchability.


Don’t write: Do write:
Hiya guys! Just want to say hello and good morning. Also, I’m running a bit late. I should be at 19CC sometime soon. 🤞

Oh, by the way, I think I may need help on Acme Corp website copy. Any takers?

Running late to 19CC. Maps indicate arrival at 12 mins from now.
Acme // Website Copy / Need you to review latest deck, @DedraMeero. Please confirm receipt of message.
Non-committal and fluffy. Specific. Precise.



05. Robotic-level Professionalism in Ops

Cute and funny Emojis have no place in our ops channel. Please keep our communication clean, efficient, and operational. If you want to acknowledge a person’s update, use simple emojis like the checkmark, PD-love, or eyes to indicate you’ve seen and are aware.


Pro Tip
Respond accordingly IN THREAD!



By streamlining our operations, we can focus on what truly matters: driving value for our clients, teams, and ourselves.

As we gather data and feedback, we will revisit and improve on our processes. Remember, no process or procedure is sacrosanct. Kaizen, kaizen, kaizen.

The Author

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