Trek Wars

A love of two cultures


One day left until Star Wars: The Force Awakens. We couldn’t help ourselves but to create this mashup of Star Warsian epicness with one of the greatest Trek movies of all time, Wrath of Khan.

Why? Because we absolutely love both Star Trek and Star Wars. Albeit, for different reasons, but nonetheless we’re big fans of both. Unlike most die-hard fans, we don’t believe in a exclusive universe, but an inclusive one. We believe the Vulcan philosophy, ‘Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. Symbolizing the elements that create truth and beauty’. This belief we have, we call it, ‘The Force’.

And so, thank you Gene Roddenberry and George Lucas for bringing to life your visions, and JJ Abrams for bringing the two polarizing cultures closer together.


Live Long And Prosper, May The Force Be With You


Special thanks to the PD fam.



The original: The Force Awakens trailer




The original: The Wrath of Khan trailer


The Author

Pierre Monké
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