Perspective is everything. Perception is limited. Reality is much grandeur and fuller than we are able to experience. Our conscious mind handles a limited bandwidth of 40 to 50 bits of information per second. Our unconscious mind processes 11 million bits of information per second. We are riddled with blindspots, cognitive biases and fall prey to thinking fallacies.
Our ability to see reality is not only limited but also extremely warped. We make decisions in the absence of rational thought, run by our ancient reptilian brain, the amygdala. We use complex thoughts and words to validate reptilian emotions like jealousy and fear. Yet with all our flaws, our species has successfully achieved spectacular greatness. We do so with mental frameworks and philosophies developed, designed, and leveraged to yield positive results.
The following expert is one such philosophy sourced from Buddhism. Accepting and submitting to the following philosophy has the potential to:
- Increase empathy, humility, and kindness
- Increase accountability and ownership
- Decrease resentment, misery, and suffering
- Help you win at life
By thinking of all sentient beings,
As more precious than a wish-fulfilling jewel,
For accomplishing the highest aim,
I will always hold them dear.
Whenever I’m in the company of others,
I will regard myself as the lowest among all,
And from the depths of my heart,
Cherish others as supreme.
In my every action, I will watch my mind,
And the moment destructive emotions arise,
I will confront them strongly and avert them,
Since they will hurt both me and others.
Whenever I see ill-natured beings,
Or those overwhelmed by heavy misdeeds or suffering,
I will cherish them as something rare,
As though I’d found a priceless treasure.
Whenever someone out of envy,
Does me wrong by attacking or belittling me,
I will take defeat upon myself,
And give the victory to others.
Even when someone I have helped,
Or in whom I have placed great hopes,
Mistreats me very unjustly,
I will view that person as a true spiritual teacher.
In brief, directly or indirectly,
I will offer help and happiness to all my mothers,
And secretly take upon myself,
All their hurt and suffering.
I will learn to keep all these practices,
Untainted by thoughts of the eight worldly concerns.
May I recognize all things as like illusions,
And, without attachment, gain freedom from bondage.
Special thanks to the Himalayan Art Resources