The Art of War is a manual for leadership in battle, whether offensive or defensive. Towards victory or away from defeat, these maxims will help guide your actions. The text can be read metaphorically today, replacing the ancient weapons and plots of Sun Tzu’s era with modern devices and situations.
This translation begins with a lengthy retrospective on Chinese military history that could have been better placed at the end. The 13 chapters are filled with tactics to defeat any opponent, however it ends abruptly and thus feels incomplete. Glean wisdom without conclusion.
A manual of military tactics based on ancient warfare with philosophies that can be applied to everyday modern life. With leadership principles and tips on managing resources, energy, authority, and sizing up environments. Follow these steps and you will always win in battle. For those living unstructured lives this is a rigid guide towards always being prepared.
If you think this military treatise is irrelevant to the business world, you’ve got a flawed understanding of business. Sun Tzu informs the reader on effective leadership and obliterating opponents with as little cost to the team as possible. Let it guide you in your efforts to conquering the business world and beating the competition.
The Art of War is as relevant and timeless today as it was thousands of years ago. The book is an ancient Chinese military manual dating from the 5th century BC. composed of 13 chapters, each devoted to one aspect of warfare.
A short but enjoyable read, almost poetic at points. The Art of War tells stories of the Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu. The book consists of 13 chapters, each covering one aspect of warfare, and hammers home the importance of having a game plan and following it. I could see my Grandpa, who fought in Korea, enjoying the book as much as I did. The lessons are not merely meant for war – they can be translated and implemented into everyday life and business.
A very concise book. full of essential information. It’s a translation with some background notes inserted. I learned quite a bit that applies to building a business team and competing in the real world, because it is war and your team is your army. I only wish I could read it in the original language.