Target 35:42

A one-week experiment to drive maximum value to clients.

We have a strong history of investing our primary efforts towards internal initiatives. A good example is the unmatched percentage of hours invested towards team members’ personal and professional developement. This is something we’re proud of, have witnessed massive gains from, and intend to continue. But what about our partners and their initiatives? How are we driving value to them? And can we do more?


Week 42 Experiment

Pull-in, push-out. Breathe.

The PD Organism pulled-in all non-client work, and pushed-out all non-client work, clearing the way for pure focus. All hands on deck. Drive maximum value to our clients. Can’t find projects or tasks? Team members were instructed to do work on the house. Whatever it takes.

35:42 🎯

  • The number 35 represents an ‘hours’ target out of 40 for our client-facing team.
  • 42 represents week forty-two, that is Sun, Oct 15 to Sat, Oct 22.
  • Below role-based targets:
    • Creatives: 35
    • PAMers: 34
    • Leaders: 25
    • Ops: 0
  • Total team target: 75.1%




Every morning at 7:30 EST, our reporting team updated the data and graphs. This ensured our team were in-the-know with our efforts.

  Weekday 🎯 = 75.2% Cumulative Week
Day % Hit 🎯 -/+ % Hit 🎯 🎯 -/+ SG 🎯
Sun 0.3% 0.3% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Mon 89.5% 14.3% 18.2% 15.0% 3.2% 18.1%
Tue 87.5% 12.3% 35.7% 30.1% 5.6% 36.2%
Wed 78.5% 3.3% 51.4% 45.1% 9.3% 54.3%
Thu 85.4% 10.2% 68.5% 60.2% 9.8% 72.4%
Fri 63.0% -12.2% 81.0% 75.2% 5.9% 90.5%
Sat 5.9% 5.9% 81.9% 75.2% 6.8% 90.5%
Weekends are Grey. Above 5% is our official Win+ colour. SG = Stretch Goal




Below are interactive graphs, tracking our daily efforts.









Stretch Goal
Many learnings. Many insights. Stay tuned for more information.

The Author

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