Dear friends,
We share with you our State of the Nation, Q1 & Q2 Review and Envision. Below are a few questions that will help steer us to the purpose of this post.
What is this?
State of the Nation (SOTN) is a half or full-day event at Pixel Dreams. The focus of our SOTN presentations is to review our past, acknowledge our present, and envision our future.
Why have you shared this publicly?
Our company purpose is to Raise I+C (Intelligence and Conciousness). We believe by making this presentation public, other individuals and organizations can benefit.
Why should I read this?
There’s a ton of thought and consideration invested in this presentation deck. While some areas have been removed for confidentiality reasons, there’s still a ton of information available that may inspire you and your team.
How will it benefit me?
At a minimum, there are lots of pretty graphics and cool animations. The deck is organized well, so you’ll be able to leverage it for your future presentations.
Of course, we’re hoping that you’ll benefit much more than that.
Can I copy this?
Sure. We share this with you to copy, edit, and do as you please. We want you and your teams to strive and thrive. With the exception of photography and certain, the contents and layout are free for you to copy under Creative Commons. If in doubt, please reach out.